Nowadays, clothes album or clothes with album so popular. This clothes album have an concept like embed QR code on clothes. This clothes album have an separated application to get the contents album and this application needs to have a QR code and serial number. QR code is scanned by smart phone to download application and then just enter the serial number. After take a registration in application, we can get exclusive access content where this content have music in one album which can be heard.
1. QR code which embed on clothes is scanned by using smart phone.
2. Now, QR code will enter a URL which you have to download an application.
4. Scan QR code once again and then enter the serial number.
5. After that, now you can download the content in one album which contain music, pictures, or video.
So we can conclude that this clothes album can change CD or DVD role. We just sell the clothes, like a shirt, T-shirt, jacket, hat, or jeans we can get the album. Clothes have can be sold in many country which more easy. But the disadvantage is this clothes really expensive, one is 55.000 until 199.000 won. Imagine that this clothes album had sell in Indonesia, that’ll be more expensive. ^^
Now let’s imagine which later or soon that VCD or DVD which contain film can be made to be a clothes movie. Just buy a clothes, we can enjoy to access application that contain a movie.
Before that, let me introduce a little thing about the QR code.
QR or Quick Respond code is a evolution from bar code. From one dimensional to two dimensional. First, QR code is invented to a industrial manufacturing process. QR code in Japan was used to Toyota company, in 1994, to scan a vehicle in a quick process.
QR code is used to save character which more big size instead of in bar code. Bar code is used in special tool narrow beam of light, but QR code can be scanned by special image sensor which can read by processor program. Small dots in QR code will be converted in binary number and validity is checked by error correcting.
QR code have a small display instead of bar code. Because QR code can save data in horizontal and vertical, while bar code can save data in vertical. This is the reason that QR code have a 10% more small that a bar code.
Structures of QR code:
(3 square sign in 3 angle have a function to make symbol readable in every angle in 360 degree)
This QR code first make to industrial, but in the future that smart phone has invented, QR code now can be used by everyone. QR code is used by advertisement business, to direct people in brand web, because QR code is easy to use and more quick in access.
QR code can saved numeric data, alphanumeric, binary code, and also kanji. In specifics way, QR code can save data numeric up to 7.089 characters, alphanumeric data up to 4.296 characters, binary code up to 2.844 bytes, and kanji character up to 1.817 characters. Beside of that, QR code can be used to save addresses and URL, phone number, text and message which can use in magazine, newspaper, advertisement, bus sign, name card or any media. Every QR code have many versions which different in character capacity. QR code version is from small QR code which named version 1 and big QR code is version 40.
QR code version 1 |
QR code version 40 |
The format information records two things: error correction level and mask pattern which is used to symbol. Masking is used to break up pattern in data area which might be confusing scanner, like large blank areas or misleading features that look like locator mask. Mask pattern is defined in 6x6 grid which repeat as necessary to cover the whole symbol. Information format is protected from error with a BCH code.
QR code in decoding or to translate code in character has their own way. In every block have a code, and that code can be read by device from bottom to top and right to left. QR code which in rip paper or above them have a logo actually can be read. Because in QR code they have a symbol error correction block. QR code can recover a damage QR code up to 30%. So, although a half of them damage, dirty, or wrong, data in QR code still readable and saved.
How to use QR code in camera phone:
QR code just be used by phone which have a application to read QR code and have internet access. Next, user just move the camera to QR code and that device automatically scanned data which in QR code. If contain URL address, we can access directly to that page. The kind of application to read QR code such as: Kaywa Reader, iMatrix, or ZXing Decoder Online which we have to upload QR code image.
Let’s back to imagine again with clothes movie. Actually the concept is the same as clothes album. If clothes album which contain music present, so if contain movie is nothing to dream on. QR code will be embed on clothes, and QR code can be used to get a serial number. QR code will be scanned in a device sized 7” like a computer tablet and QR code will contain a URL address to get that a legal serial number. After input serial number, we can get film which we has bought through by clothes.
That function of the device is to ease in watching movie without to download application or download a film. If we have that device, we just input the serial number and we can unlocking a film to watch. And the advantage of this device is the film is served in 3D hologram without have to own a 3D shades. We can play movie everywhere because that device is portable and small than DVD player or DVD player portable.
So, to minimize and to ease in use, DVD or hardisk or maybe micro chip soon or later will less in use. Because with clothes movie, they can be used as a fashion or maybe a property to get film.Although the price of this clothes and that device will really expensive in this age, but this is like a estimate a future technology and of course the price will get down or cheaper in the future. ^^
[6] http://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=6OM6dMnYJp4&
Vania Wahyu (12.02.0054)
Game Technology Unika Soegijapranata Semarang.
For Computer Organization assignment Semester 1.
*untuk versi Indonesia, klik disini.
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