- Download HJ Split.exe free and install it.
- Prepare a file to join in one folder, it will make easier to join file beside you search the file with doesn’t in one folder. Who’s want to spend many time to search all file in different folder? It’s not me, of course.. hahaha ^^
- Open HJ Split.exe and choose Join menu.
- Choose Input File.
- Open the destination folder which has a join file that you want to joint it. It'll automatically detect the remain file which you want to joint.
- And then you can change the destination folder of output file. As example, I didn’t change the destination folder.
- Start~!! ^^
- The progress will show, and wait until it finish.
- Abracadabra~~ hahah you will have a new file that all of them have been joined.. ^^
IT’S SO EASY~~ TRY IT.. Not forget from me… HAPPY WATCHING!!! ^^
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