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Sunday, November 18, 2012

[CO] Database System (English ver.)

What’s Database?

Database is a unit of records which connect each other and draw itself. Database is used to ease a processing data and change data with accurately. The goal of database itself is to help people searching data.
Database system component:

  1. Database applications: a set or more computer programs which have function as a connector for user and DBMS.
  2. DBMS: Database Management System, program to process database.
  3. SQL (read: see-quel): Structure Query Language, is a sub language data connector between database applications and DBMS.
Functions and contents of applications programs:
  • Database Applications
    • Create and process forms.
    • Create and transmit queries.
    • Create and process reports.
    • Execute application logic.
    • Control application.
  • DBMS
    • Create database.
    • Create table.
    • Create supporting and structures.
    • Read database data.
    • Update database data.
    • Maintain database structures.
    • Enforce rules.
    • Control concurrency.
    • Provide security.
    • Perform backup and recovery.
Read and update database perform with a process like this: DBMS receive SQL and request along with transform request becoming database action.
In database contain referential integrity constraints which have purpose to do a constraint if form doesn’t fill with a right way.
  • Database
    • User data.
    • Metadata.
    • Indexes and related structures.
    • Stored procedures.
    • Triggers.
    • Application metadata.
Metadata are data of database structure. For examples: name of tables, columns and tables name where both of them included, property from tables and columns.
Stored procedures are program which stored in database. Examples: to backup or remove data if data have age more than 1 year.
Triggers are procedures which used when data have a certain activity.

What’s characteristic and kind of database?
Characteristic and kind of database divided into 3 parts:
  1. Personal.
    • User: 1
    • Size: less than 10 Mb
    • Example: used at home industry such as a house painting, etc.
  2. Workgroup.
    • User: less than 25
    • Size: less than 100 Mb
    • Example: in a business, from manager computer center to computer in branch industry. Used LAN (Local Area Network) to connect each computer.
  3. Organization.
    • User: hundred to thousand users.
    • Size: more than 1 quintillion byte, many database.
    • Example: SIM and STNK registrations. From center nation office to offices in many regions.

Process to make database contains 3 phase, Requirement, Design, and Implementation.

1. Requirement - Build up data model.
- Determine item data.
- Define rules and limits.

- Determine application requirement.
2. Design - Table.
- Relation.
- Limits.
- Stored procedures and triggers.

- Forms.
- Reports.
- Queries.
- Application code.
3. Implementation - Create table.
- Create relation.
- Create limit.
- Write stored procedures and triggers. 
- Fill database.
- Examine.

- Create forms.
- Create reports.
- Create queries.
- Write application code.
- Examine. 

How is Database history?
Database history can explain like this:
  1. x - 1986: Data saved in a list and characteristic. Processing data required by general using of magnetic ribbon media.
  2. 1986 – 1980: Hierarchies, example: DL/ I (Data Language One) which is named IMS (DBMS IBM) and Network Model such as IDMS (DBMS network).
  3. 1980: SQL become relational standard language.
  4. 1982: first DBMS microcomputer, such as dBase, R:Base, Paradox.
  5. 1985: DBMS which object oriented (OODBMS).
  6. 1991: discovered Microsoft Ships Access.
  7. 1995: Database internet first application.
  8. 1997: Determining XML in database processing.

Model of Data Entity-Relationship.

Database scheme divided into 3 parts, external scheme, conceptual scheme, and internal scheme. External scheme is a half of database scheme. Conceptual scheme is a whole logic view. Internal scheme is a physic scheme which is storage by a product or certain technique.
Model of Entity-Relationship is a concept set and graphic symbol which is used to create conceptual scheme.
Model Extended E-R or E-R has many unsure such as entity, attribute, and relationship.
  1. Entity: a thing which can identify within user environment. Entity divided into entity class and entity instance.
    • Entity class: a unit of entity and drew by structure or entity format in its class.
    • Entity instance from entity class: representation of that entity. Example: COSTUMER class has many instances of customer.
  2. Attribute: is a characteristic of this entity. Attribute contain of multi value and composite. Example: CUSTOMER has attribute ContactName, Address, Street, City, Province, etc. ContactName is a multi value attribute and Address, City, Province is a composite attribute.
  3. Relationship: is a relationship of each entity. For example relation of binary. 3 binary relation are 1:1 (one to one), 1:N (one to many), N:M (many to many).
Entity contains weak entity and strong entity. Weak entity is an entity which can’t exist in a database without the second entity. And strong entity is a entity which can exist without the second entity.

Untuk Indonesia ver. klik disini.
M. Kroenke, David. Database Processing (Dasar-dasar, Desain, Implementasi) Jilid 1 Edisi 9. 2005. Jakarta : Erlangga

Vania Wahyu (12.02.0054)
As a assignment of Computer Organization first semester.

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